Axes and Background

Axes and backgrounds are associated with the data tracks (namely Plot, Highlight and Link). You can add axes and backgrounds to your tracks by instantiating Axis and Background.

# Backgrounds
my $bg_whole = Background->new( color => 'vvlgrey' );
my $bg_track1 = Background->new( color => 'vlgrey', y0 => '0.2r', y1 => '0.5r' );
my $bg_track2 = Background->new( color => 'lgrey', y0 => '0.5r', y1 => '0.8r' );
my $bg_track3 = Background->new( color => 'grey', y0 => '0.8r' );

my $bg = Backgrounds->new( show => 'data' );

$bg->addBackground($bg_whole, $bg_track1, $bg_track2, $bg_track3 );


# Axes
my $axes = Axes->new( show => 'data', thickness => 1, color => 'lgrey' );
my $axis1 = Axis->new( spacing => '0.1r' );
my $axis2 = Axis->new( spacing => '0.2r', color => 'grey' );
my $axis3 = Axis->new( spacing => '0.5r', color => 'red' );
my $axis4 = Axis->new( spacing => '0.8r', color => 'green', thickness => 2 );

$axes->addAxis( $axis1, $axis2, $axis3, $axis4 );


This concludes the tutorials. Feel free to ask me anything through github.